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Text File | 1991-11-17 | 50.5 KB | 1,268 lines |
- ████████████████████████████████████████
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- If you like this program, please:
- Send us $40.00, the normal user fee for this software.
- Registered users of this software are entitled to phone support,
- notification of upgrades and good karma. When you register
- GrafCat we'll send you a copy of the latest version. Please tell
- us the version number of your copy of GrafCat when you register.
- Our address can be found at the end of this file.
- Complete details of registration can be found later in this
- document in the section on registration.
- NOTE: Release three of GrafCat represents a complete re-write of
- the package. Numerous things have changed... if you're familiar
- with GrafCat from previous releases you're urged to read this
- file all the way through.
- NOTE: German users of GrafCat should contact our German
- distributor, PD-SERVICE-LAGE, Postfach 1743, D-4937 Lage, West
- Germany. A German language version of the package is available
- from them as well.
- NOTE: Australian users of GrafCat should contact our Australian
- distributor, Budgetware, P.O. Box 496 Newtown NSW 2042. Phone
- (02) 519-4233 FAX (02) 516-4236.
- NOTE: We now have a bulletin board system. See the section on
- contacting Alchemy Mindworks for more information.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- ███████████████████
- Introduction
- Hardware and software
- New features of the level three release
- File formats
- Macpaint
- PC Paintbrush PCX
- CompuServe GIF
- WordPerfect Graphics WPG
- Deluxe Paint/Amiga IFF/LBM
- PC Paint Pictor PIC
- Truevision Targa
- Windows 3 BMP
- Microsoft Paint MSP
- Encapsulated PostScript EPS
- Halo CUT
- Using the main menu
- Control keys
- Printing
- Floppy mode printing
- Configuration
- Runtime editing
- Dot matrix and inkjet printers
- A word about memory
- A word about resources
- A word about dithering and halftoning
- If you encounter a problem
- Contacting Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
- Shareware registration
- Bundling GrafCat
- Source code and books
- Shareware distributors
- Legal dogma
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat is a tool to help you keep track of a large collection of
- bitmapped image files. It will allow you to print up images
- fifteen or sixteen to a page on any PostScript or LaserJet Plus
- compatible laser printer. Note that this includes LaserJet II and
- LaserJet III series laser printers.
- GrafCat has numerous options to allow you to create the most
- useful catalog pages possible. It will print images in either
- portrait or landscape orientation. It can include simple or
- detailed descriptions of each file it catalogs. It will handle
- colour and grey scale files with up to 24 bits of colour,
- reproducing them as dithers or as PostScript halftones.
- GrafCat can catalog any mixture of the file types it recognizes.
- A complete list of these files and the details of using them can
- be found later in this document.
- GrafCat will handle image files of any size. It will use extended
- or expanded memory if you have some, and disk space if you don't.
- It has a fast and easily understood user interface.
- As it comes out of the box... or out of the ZIP... GrafCat is
- configured like as follows. If you want to change some of these
- parameters, see the installation section of this document.
- - It uses virtual memory.
- - It uses colour screen text.
- - It prints detailed descriptions below each picture.
- - It prints images in landscape orientation frames.
- - It drives a PostScript printer.
- - It uses error diffused dithering to handle colour source images.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat will run on any PC compatible system with at least 384
- kilobytes of memory. We strongly recommend that you have at least
- 640 kilobytes. A megabyte of extended or expanded memory will
- make GrafCat a lot faster if you like to run it while shelled out
- of another application. Run on its own, it can get by exclusively
- with DOS memory.
- GrafCat will run under DOS 2.0 or better. We recommend that you
- use at least DOS 3.3. You will need a suitable expanded or
- extended memory driver in your system for GrafCat to recognize
- your extra memory.
- You should have received the following files in the GrafCat
- package:
- - GCT.EXE - The GrafCat program itself.
- - GCT.RES - The GrafCat resource file.
- - GCT.DOC - Yes, you're reading it now.
- - GCTINSTL.EXE - The GrafCat configuration utility.
- - RMOVER.EXE - A general resource manager.
- - EXAMPLE1.IMG - A monochrome picture file.
- - EXAMPLE2.GIF - A sixteen-colour picture file.
- - EXAMPLE3.GIF - A 256-colour picture file.
- - ORDER.FRM - A registration order form
- There is no EXAMPLE4, a 24-bit picture file, as the smallest one
- we could find was over 400 kilobytes long. There are several 24-
- bit files on our bulletin board, should you want one to look at.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- The original release of GrafCat was fairly simple. It ran from
- the command line and printed all the files it could find. It had
- relatively few options. More people wanted to suggest ways to
- improve it than were actually interested in registering it.
- The release three incarnation of GrafCat embodies many of the
- suggestions which were lavished upon it... at least, it embodies
- those which we could figure out how to implement.
- When you run GrafCat, it will display a file selector screen. If
- you're familiar with our Graphic Workshop package, you'll
- recognize this... everything works the same.
- GrafCat can print in image frames which have either portrait or
- landscape orientation. If you're primarily interested in
- cataloging GIF files, you'll find that the latter is preferable.
- Landscape oriented frames work out such that there's enough room
- on the left side of the page to allow the pages to be bound.
- GrafCat will print colour and grey scale files as Bayer or Floyd-
- Steinberg error diffused dithers, or as PostScript halftones on a
- PostScript laser. The latter looks slick but it's pretty slow.
- Plan to leave the whole works running overnight if you'll be
- using PostScript halftones.
- GrafCat handles files using the same file format resources as
- does Graphic Workshop, and as such it will read all the same
- formats. This includes 24-bit formats, such as PCX and Targa.
- Please read the section later in this document concerning
- WordPerfect Graphics files.
- Note that in dealing with minor bugs in GrafCat, we'll be
- releasing versions with new revision letters. You can see the
- current revision letter in the closing beg notice. It will not
- appear anywhere else in the program.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat works exclusively with bitmapped image files. This is as
- opposed to vector or line art files. Vector files include DXF,
- GEM, CDR, Harvard Graphics, Lotus PIC and CGM files, among
- others. GrafCat does not support vector files, nor is it likely
- to in the immediate future.
- In most cases, the specifications for image files are pretty
- standardized, and GrafCat will reliably read and print image
- files in its supported formats without difficulty. There are a
- few exceptions to this, as will be discussed in detail throughout
- this section.
- ─────────────────────
- These can come in two flavours. The most common one is straight
- ported MacPaint files, that is, files having the "MacBinary"
- header. The other is "headerless" files, these being the ones
- used with PFS:First Publisher. GrafCat reads both types.
- All MacPaint files have the dimensions 576 by 720 pixels. These
- are the dimensions of the GrafCat image frame in portrait
- orientation.
- ────────────────────
- There are actually quite a few variations on IMG files... they
- handle monochrome and grey level images. The primary application
- for IMG files is as the bitmapped image file format of Ventura
- Publisher. GrafCat supports files with up to 256 levels of grey.
- ────────────────
- These are the files used to hold images for Z-Soft's PC
- Paintbrush package. These can range from monochrome to 24-bit
- images. All the various formats are supported by GrafCat.
- ────────────────
- These can range from monochrome to 256-colour images in any size
- you can find 'em. GrafCat supports both the 87a and 89a versions
- of the GIF standard. It will read the first image of GIF files
- having multiple images.
- ─────────────────
- GrafCat supports monochrome, colour and grey scale TIFF files.
- Note that due to the wide variations among the programs which
- produce TIFF files, GrafCat would be lying rather badly if it
- claimed to be able to read all TIFF files. Specifically, it does
- not read Huffman or LZW compressed TIFF files as yet, as we
- haven't devised code to do this in a reasonable amount of space.
- Colour TIFF files are another area in which GrafCat only handles
- files from some sources.
- If you have Graphic Workshop, you'll find its F4 details function
- helpful in identifying problems which might crop up in reading
- TIFF files with GrafCat.
- ────────────────
- These are the native import graphic files for WordPerfect. These
- files can contain both bitmaps and line art, or vector graphics.
- GrafCat can only deal with the bitmapped parts of them. If you
- attempt to print a WPG file containing both bitmapped and vector
- elements, the vector elements will be discarded.
- WPG files which refuse to read with GrafCat are usually those
- which contain only vector elements and no bitmaps.
- GrafCat will deal with WPG files having one, four or eight bits
- of colour information, that is, monochrome files, sixteen-colour
- files and 256-colour files.
- The WPG specification allows for 256-colour files. As of this
- writing, WordPerfect itself would not read them.
- ────────────────
- These are the image files used by the paint program which came
- with Microsoft Windows version 2. Don't confuse these with PCX
- files... some versions of Windows 2 came with a Windows
- implementation of PC Paintbrush from ZSoft as well. The two
- programs... and the two file formats... are not compatible. MSP
- files are monochrome only.
- ────────────────────
- These started out on the Amiga. The IFF file standard is
- extremely flexible, and allows all sorts of things besides
- images to be stored in IFF files. IFF files are found on the PC
- having been ported from Amiga systems. They are also created on
- the PC by several applications such as Electronic Arts' Deluxe
- Paint package and Digital Vision's Computer Eyes video scanner
- board. In the first case they are given the extension LBM. In
- the second they are given the extension CE. The basic file
- structure is the same, however.
- Note that GrafCat only reads "pure" IFF files, and will not
- handle the countless variations on the format which have appeared
- on the Amiga. Specifically, it does not read hold and modify, or
- HAM, files.
- ────────────────
- These are the files which are used as "wallpaper" under Windows
- 3. They can be created using the version of Paint supplied with
- Windows.
- ────────────────
- These should not be confused with Lotus 1-2-3 PIC drawing files.
- PIC files are created by PC Paint (not PC Paintbrush) and are
- used by Grasp, among other things. They come in many flavours.
- GrafCat has been tested with the most common ones. In theory it
- should support them all, but that's only a theory.
- PIC files are structured exceedingly weirdly, especially in their
- sixteen-colour manifestations. For this reason, it's necessary
- for GrafCat to create a temporary scratch file while it's packing
- or unpacking a sixteen-colour PIC file. You will note that upon
- beginning to read or write one, the bar graph will appear to
- pause for a few seconds before it starts to move.
- By default, the temporary file will be written to the current
- directory. However, you can direct it to somewhere else by
- including the following line in your environment, for example:
- This will cause the temporary file to be written to the root
- directory of drive H:. You can, of course, specify any path you
- like. If drive H: is a RAM drive, this will speed up the packing
- and unpacking of sixteen-colour PIC files considerably.
- ────────────────
- The Truevision Targa format is used by several high end paint
- programs and things like ray tracing packages. It can handle
- images with up to sixteen million unique colours.
- There are a lot of variations on TGA files, and GrafCat does not
- handle them all as yet. Specifically, it only handles
- uncompressed and run length compressed files. It ignores all
- alpha channel information.
- ────────────────
- The EPS format... encapsulated PostScript... isn't really a
- bitmapped format at all. However, it may contain bitmapped data.
- PostScript cannot be interpreted directly by most PC
- applications. As such, an EPS file which is to be imported into
- an application such as Ventura Publisher or PageMaker also
- includes a "preview". A preview is a small black and white TIFF
- image which will show you a rough idea of what the EPS file will
- look like.
- If you import an EPS file into Ventura, for example, the screen
- image you see will be the preview but the data printed to your
- printer will be the PostScript data itself.
- If you attempt to catalog an EPS file with GrafCat, you will see
- the preview image, not the actual PostScript data. This will look
- the same as the source data if you have translated a monochrome
- file to EPS, and it will look like a very coarse Bayer dither of
- the source otherwise.
- Note also that if you attempt to read an EPS file without a
- preview, GrafCat will tell you that it has encountered a
- file read error. The EPS file itself may be fine... GrafCat,
- however, can only read previews.
- ─────────────────────
- The CUT format is exceedingly awkward, and GrafCat makes a few
- assumptions about how CUT files will be used in order to make it
- workable. To begin with, CUT files don't know how many colours
- they have in them. They rely on a second file, called a PAL file,
- to define their colours.
- GrafCat looks for a PAL file to decide whether a CUT file has two
- bits or eight bits of colour. If it doesn't find a PAL file with
- the same name as your CUT file, it assumes that the CUT file in
- question only has two bits of colour. Otherwise, it assumes that
- there are 256 colours in the file.
- If you're using CUT files and have any suggestions to improve
- GrafCat's handling of them, or if you encounter problems with its
- CUT files, please get in touch with us. The CUT format, while
- occasionally requested, turned out to be very weird.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat will use whatever memory you have going. For the most
- part, if you run it on a machine with 640 kilobytes of
- conventional memory and nothing much typing up part of this...
- not too many TSRs and no DOS shell... it will get along fine
- without any recourse to extra memory.
- There are three sorts of "extra" memory which GrafCat can use, to
- wit, extended, expanded and virtual. Extended memory is also
- called XMS memory, and is only available on AT and 386 systems.
- Expanded memory, also called EMS or LIM memory, is available if
- you have a LIM board and driver in your machine. Virtual memory
- means using a big disk file and making believe it's memory.
- Virtual memory is very slow compared to real memory.
- You must tell GrafCat what to do about extra memory when you
- install it. See the section on installation.
- In addition to the three foregoing types of extra memory, GrafCat
- can be configured to use "extended or virtual" or "expanded or
- virtual" memory. If one of these options is chosen, GrafCat will
- attempt to allocate a buffer from extended or expanded memory if
- it can't do so with DOS memory. If it's unable to allocate a
- buffer in extra memory, it will switch to virtual memory and see
- if its luck improves. If there's no room for a virtual memory
- buffer, it will give up and return an error saying that it can't
- allocate memory.
- This shouldn't be necessary... in the unlikely event that it
- needs extra memory at all, it won't need all that much.
- By default, GrafCat configured to use virtual memory will use the
- current drive and directory to write its temporary files. You can
- change this by adding a line to your environment with the SET
- command such as:
- TEMP=H:\
- In this case, any virtual memory temporary files which GrafCat
- wants to create will be written to the root of drive H:. If you
- have a RAM disk, you should use the TEMP environment variable to
- tell GrafCat to use it for virtual memory operations, as this
- will speed things up considerably.
- Note that if you will be using the floppy disk cataloging mode
- of GrafCat and your memory situation will cause GrafCat to use
- virtual memory, you should make sure you have a TEMP variable set
- up. Otherwise, GrafCat will attempt to write its virtual memory
- files to your floppies.
- As is discussed elsewhere in this document in the section on
- resources, GrafCat frequently swaps blocks of code and data in
- and out of memory. In addition to the memory required for your
- pictures, GrafCat must have memory to manage its resources and to
- allocate small scratch buffers. This is called memory "overhead".
- It's possible for GrafCat to allocate a lot of DOS memory for a
- picture file and subsequently be unable to allocate enough memory
- for the resource which will manipulate the picture.
- To avoid this situation, GrafCat reserves a fixed amount of
- memory for its own use before it attempts to allocate an image
- buffer. The amount of this fixed memory is adjustable through the
- GCTINSTL program, as is discussed in the section on installation.
- As it's set in the distribution version of the software, it
- should be adequate for all the operations the package can
- perform. There are a few hypothetical cases in which this might
- not prove true, for example, in unpacking enormously wide GIF
- files. If you run into problems with allocating scratch buffers
- or resource buffers, try increasing the memory overhead.
- Finally, note that in order to access the extended or expanded
- memory in your system, GrafCat must be able to locate a suitable
- extended or expanded memory driver. Simply having several
- megabytes of chips on your motherboard will not make that memory
- accessible unless you have the appropriate driver in place and
- working.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- The GCT.RES file is a list of resources. Resources are unrelated
- bits of data and code which GrafCat might need. These could have
- been kept as separate files, but keeping them all in GCT.RES
- makes them easier to manage, requires less space on your hard
- drive and allows GrafCat to get at them more rapidly.
- Among the things in GCT.RES are all the code to handle specific
- file formats and numerous small code and data objects which
- GrafCat uses.
- You have no cause to meddle with the resources in GCT.RES. You
- should, however, keep RMOVER on hand, as it may be called for if
- you attempt to apply a bug fix or patch supplied by Alchemy
- Mindworks to your copy of GrafCat.
- A detailed description of RMOVER can be found in the
- documentation for Graphic Workshop, should you be exceedingly
- curious about these things. The complete source code for working
- with resources... and that of RMOVER itself... can be found in
- the book PC Graphical User Interfaces, as discussed in the
- section on books later in this document.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Laser printers can only print black and white... not grey. When
- confronted with a colour or grey scale image to catalog, GrafCat
- must sneak around this. It does so by reducing such images to
- standard grey scale pictures and then printing them as some form
- of halftones.
- The most readily accomplished halftoning is called "dithering".
- It uses alternating black and white dots to create the illusion
- of grey. There are two sorts of dithering available under
- GrafCat. Bayer dithering is very fast, but produces very coarse
- results. Error diffused dithering... in fact, Floyd Steinberg
- dithering in this case... produces somewhat better results with a
- modest speed penalty.
- Having been dithered, a picture can be downloaded to your laser
- pretty quickly.
- True halftones are available on PostScript printers only. They
- look like the halftones you'll find in newspaper photographs.
- However, they take eight times as long to download as dithered
- images do. Printing a full catalog page of halftoned images with
- GrafCat can take a long, long time.
- Note that in all cases, dithering or haltoning an image will not
- actually affect the source file it came from.
- Laser printers exhibit an annoying aberration at 300 dots per inch
- called "dot gain". This causes the black dots to be slightly
- bigger than the white ones, with the result that a dithered
- images will usually look a bit darker than you'd expect. To
- overcome this, GrafCat lightens them up a bit before it dithers
- them. This, in turn, causes images which are very light to begin
- with to have some of their details washed out. It's a bit of a
- balancing act... bear in mind that GrafCat is designed to create
- reference catalog pages, not reproduction quality art.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- While we have tested GrafCat thoroughly, it's possible that you
- may encounter a situation we hadn't anticipated, and perhaps a
- file which will not read. If this happens, we would be interested
- in knowing about it so we can deal with it in the next release of
- GrafCat. Here's how to report a problem to us.
- Problems should be reported using a 5 1/4 inch disk. We can't
- accept 3 1/2 inch microfloppies for problem reports. Alternately,
- upload the relevant files to our bulletin board. The bulletin
- board is discussed in the section on contacting Alchemy
- Mindworks.
- Copy your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files onto a floppy.
- Include a screen dump of the screen of GCTINSTL as it was set up
- when the problem occurred. Alternately, write down the settings.
- Copy the image files which resulted in the problem and provide a
- description of what you did and what happened.
- If we can't recreate it, we probably won't be able to fix it.
- Before you contact us with a problem in GrafCat, please make sure
- you've read this document thoroughly and that you understand how
- the software should work. Many problem reports which receive
- aren't problems with the software at all.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat always shows you all the names of the image files it
- knows how to deal with in the current directory, along with all
- the visible subdirectory names, if any are present. If you are in
- a subdirectory, you will also see a subdirectory entry which is
- two periods.
- The cursor mover keys will move the file selector bar around. If
- you move it to a directory entry... shown in dim text... and hit
- Enter, you will move into that directory. If you select the two
- period entry, you will move back up your directory tree by one
- step.
- If there are too many files in your current directory to see all
- at once, GrafCat will organize them into pages. The PgUp and PgDn
- keys will step you through the pages.
- Here are the keys which GrafCat recognizes for basic file
- handling and session functions:
- Hitting the question mark will cause GrafCat to display a menu of
- the keys which control the main file screen of GrafCat. This box
- also tells you how much free DOS memory is available, the printer
- you have GrafCat configured to use and the type of extra memory
- it's set up for.
- The Esc key will allow you to quit GrafCat and return to DOS.
- If you hit "T" the currently selected file name will be
- "tagged". The "U" key will untag it. The batch operations
- described below will work with multiple files if you have some of
- them tagged. If you hit "C", all the tags will be cleared. If you
- hit "A", all the tags will be set.
- When you go to print files with GrafCat, only the tagged ones
- will be cataloged. Note that all the tagged files will be
- printed, even if they reside on pages other than the one which is
- currently visible.
- If you hit "L" GrafCat will allow you to log in a new disk drive.
- A box will appear prompting you for the drive letter you want to
- log into.
- If you hit "D" you will be prompted to delete the current file.
- Note that this is not a batch command... it only works on one
- file at a time.
- If you hit "R" you can rename the current file. Note that it the
- renamed file will have the same extension as the old one, no
- matter what extension you give it.
- If you hit "S", GrafCat will attempt to shell out to the DOS
- prompt. If you do this, GrafCat will still be in memory. Type
- EXIT at the DOS prompt to return to it right where you left off.
- If you change drives or subdirectories while you have the DOS
- prompt active, GrafCat will restore the previous drive and
- subdirectory when you return to it.
- The alphabetic control keys can be upper or lower case. Other
- keys will be ignored.
- ────────────────────
- If one or more files are tagged when you hit F1, GrafCat will
- begin to print them to your laser printer. It will download some
- fonts first if you're using a LaserJet Plus compatible printer.
- The current status can be seen in the message area at the bottom
- of the screen.
- You can abort printing by hitting Esc. If you abort printing to a
- LaserJet during a print phase, whatever has been downloaded will
- be printed and the printer will be reset. If you abort printing
- to as PostScript printer during a print phase, the printer may be
- left in a confused state. To avoid this, if you must abort a
- PostScript page, do so during a read, dithering or remapping
- phase.
- ───────────────────────
- Floppy mode works pretty much like the F1 mode, save that it will
- allow you to catalog the contents of as many floppy disks as you
- like, with all the files run together as if they all existed in a
- single subdirectory.
- If you have kept your floppies with unique volume names on each,
- the volume names in the catalog listing will serve as an index to
- the floppies.
- To use the floppy mode, put a floppy disk in the drive you want
- to catalog from. Log into this drive by hitting L followed by the
- drive letter. Hit F2 to start cataloging. When the first disk is
- finished, GrafCat will beep and prompt you to replace it with
- another disk. Hit Enter to proceed or Esc to quit.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Making permanent changes to the modifiable features of GrafCat
- involves using the installer, GCTINSTL.EXE. The configuration of
- GrafCat is handled by a separate program in order to keep GCT.EXE
- as small as possible, leaving lots of memory for putting graphics
- in.
- The GCTINSTL program actually modifies GCT.EXE. In order for it
- to work, GCT.EXE and GCTINSTL.EXE must be in the same directory
- and must be so named. Both programs must be of the same version.
- Be aware that as it directly modifies GCT.EXE, there is the
- outside chance that a bug in the installer might crop up and kill
- GCT.EXE beyond repair. Make sure you have a virgin copy of
- GCT.EXE somewhere before you use the installer.
- Place GCTINSTL.EXE and GCT.EXE in the same directory and type
- GCTINSTL. A screen will appear which will let you edit the
- runtime settings. You can use the up and down arrow keys
- and the Home and End keys to move through the items of this
- screen. Hitting Enter when the cursor is over an item which toggles
- will change its state. Hitting Enter when the cursor is over an
- editable field will allow you to type in a new data.
- Note that you can run GCTINSTL and select this screen as often as
- you want to adjust the settings of its various parameters.
- When you're done changing things, hit F10 to save your changes or
- F9 to abandon them.
- Note that these items can be overridden by using command line
- switches when you run GCT.EXE, should you need them set
- differently from time to time.
- Screen colours
- --------------------
- This item allows you to set the screen colours. By default, there
- are two sets of screen colours, to wit, a colour set which is
- predominantly blue and a monochrome set. If you don't like either
- of these, hit F1 when the cursor is on this item to create a
- custom set.
- Memory type
- -----------------
- Hit Enter when the cursor is on this item to move through the
- available extra memory options. See the section dealing with
- memory elsewhere in this document for more information about
- selecting the correct memory type.
- Printer port
- ------------------
- This item selects which parallel printer port to print images to.
- Note that you can only select LP1, LPT2 or LPT3.
- Printer type
- ------------------
- This can be either PostScript or LaserJet Plus. If you have a
- printer which can be set up to emulate both protocols, note that
- all other things being equal, it takes GrafCat about twice as
- long to print to a PostScript printer. However, PostScript
- printers allow you to have true halftones, which as LaserJet will
- not. Having said this, note that it takes eight times longer to
- print a halftone than it does a dithered image.
- Memory overhead (Kbytes)
- ------------------------------
- This is an editable item. It selects the number of kilobytes of
- memory overhead which GrafCat will reserve. See the section on
- memory elsewhere in this document for more information.
- Image orientation
- -----------------------
- This item selects the default orientation for printing graphics.
- As a rule, select portrait if you'll be cataloging monochrome
- clip art and landscape if you'll be cataloging GIF files.
- Print colour images as
- ----------------------------
- This item tells GrafCat how to handle colour and grey scale
- images. There are three options, to wit, Bayer dithering, error
- diffused dithering and halftoning. The latter is available only
- if you'll be printing to a PostScript printer. Bayer dithering is
- fast but ugly. Error diffused dithering is slower but pretty
- respectable looking. See the section earlier in the document on
- dithering and halftoning.
- Scale to fit in frame
- ---------------------------
- If this item is set to YES, all the graphics being cataloged will
- be scaled up or down until they occupy the maximum area within
- each frame. Note that the aspect ratio will not be changed. If
- this item is set to NO, graphics smaller than the frame will be
- inset into the upper left corner. Graphics larger than the frame
- will be printed cropped.
- Print detailed file names
- -------------------------------
- If this item is set to YES, file names will be printed in six
- point type, and will include the file name, source directory
- volume and path names and the image dimensions. If it's set to
- NO, only the file names will be printed, in twelve point type.
- Page eject delay:
- -----------------------
- Some laser printers dislike having a lot of data blasted at them
- while they're spitting out a page. This field sets a delay in
- seconds during which GrafCat will do nothing after issuing a form
- feed. Set it to zero to disable the delay.
- Show page numbers
- -----------------------
- If this item is set to YES, GrafCat will print page numbers in
- the lower right corner of each page it prints.
- Beep for floppy changes
- -----------------------------
- If this item is set to YES, GrafCat will beep when it prompts you
- for new floppy disk in the F2 floppy disk mode.
- GrafCat path
- ------------------
- This should be a complete path to the subdirectory and drive
- where GCT.EXE and GCT.RES live. For example:
- When this item is set correctly, you will be able to run GrafCat
- from anywhere on your hard drive if its location is in your DOS
- path.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- When you run GrafCat by typing GCT at the command line, it will
- run using the default settings, as configured by GCTINSTL. There
- may be times when you'll want to override these settings
- temporarily, and rather than running the installer, you can use
- the command line switches. These only change the configuration of
- GrafCat when they're used. The next time you run GrafCat, it will
- return to its default configuration.
- As a rule, command line switches should only be required in
- special circumstances.
- You can always see a complete list of the command line switches
- by running GrafCat as
- GCT ?
- In using the command line switches, make sure that each one is
- separated on the command line by a space. Note that they are not
- case-sensitive. For example, this is a legal invocation of
- GrafCat with some command line switches.
- GCT /DIF /lan /DtY
- This has told GrafCat to print colour files using error diffused
- dithering, landscape orientation and detailed file names.
- The following are the command line switches which GrafCat
- recognizes. Most of these options correspond to installation
- options in GCTINSTL.
- /LPn - set printer port (n=1,2 or 3)
- /PSC - use PostScript printer
- /HLJ - use LaserJet Plus printer
- /POR - use portrait orientation
- /LAN - use landscape orientation
- /FIT - fit in frame
- /DTY - print detailed file names
- /DTN - print simple file names
- /VIR - use virtual memory
- /EMS - use expanded memory
- /XMS - use extended memory
- /XMV - use extended or virtual memory
- /EMV - use expanded or virtual memory
- /BYR - use Bayer dither
- /DIF - use error diffused dither
- /HFT - use PostScript halftones
- /PGY - show page numbers
- /PGN - don't show page numbers
- /BWD - beep when done in floppy mode
- /BPN - don't beep when done
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- GrafCat doesn't support dot matrix or inkjet printers... it's not
- likely to in the immediate future, either. While we'd like to have
- it otherwise, we haven't been able to find a way to do so which
- isn't incredibly memory hungry.
- We have elected to have GrafCat do what it does reasonably well,
- and not try to make it into something it really can't be.
- For similar reasons, we have decided not to have GrafCat print to
- a file. While it's probably capable of doing so, the average file
- would occupy about a megabyte of disk space. While a nice idea in
- theory, it's not really practical.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- We hope you'll contact us to register GrafCat... see the section
- about registering GrafCat elsewhere in this document.
- You can contact us by mail by writing to us at:
- Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
- P.O. Box 500
- Beeton, Ontario
- L0G 1A0
- Canada
- We will attempt to answer questions from unregistered users who
- write to us to the extent that their answers are needed for you
- to fully determine whether GrafCat will suit your requirements.
- We can also be reached through the Alchemy Mindworks bulletin
- board. It's available twenty-four hours a day at (416) 729-4609.
- As of this writing, the protocol was 300, 1200 or 2400 baud, or
- 9600 baud v.32bis, eight data bits, no parity and one stop bit.
- The bulletin board always has the most recent versions of all our
- shareware on it, plus bug fixes, drivers and other relevant
- information. It only exists to support Alchemy Mindworks'
- shareware... it does not have a general file area.
- If you encounter problems with a file, you're welcome to upload
- the errant file to our bulletin board. Actually, you can upload
- any picture files you like to the board... we enjoy getting
- pictures.
- If you have a question about GrafCat, feel free to leave it on
- the bulletin board. We try to answer all questions within twenty-
- four hours. Note that you must call back to retrieve your
- answer... please don't ask us to phone you or to leave the answer
- on another bulletin board.
- Registered users of GrafCat will receive our voice and FAX
- numbers for immediate technical support. The voice number is only
- available for use from 10:00am to 5:00pm EST. If you call and get
- our answering machine... it does happen... please leave us a
- message or call back later. We are only able to return long
- distance calls if we can call you collect. In this regard, please
- note that as of this writing Canada has a very peculiar
- electronic voice mail collect call system... if the phone
- company's computer starts talking when you pick up the phone,
- it's probably us returning your call.
- We ask that in contacting us you appreciate that we are a small
- company with limited resources. If you have not registered
- GrafCat we will not tell you to go to hell, but please don't ask
- us for half an hour of free technical support.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- If you like this program and find it useful, you are requested to
- support it by sending us $40.00. This will entitle you to
- telephone support, notification of updates, a free copy of the
- latest version of GrafCat and other worthwhile things. More to
- the point, though, it'll make you feel good. We've not infested
- the program with excessive beg notices, crippled it or had it
- verbally insult you after ten days. We trust you to support
- GrafCat if you like it.
- If you want to see additional features in GrafCat, register your
- software. If we had an Arcturian mega-dollar for everyone who has
- said they'd most certainly register their copy if we'd add just
- one more thing to it, we could buy ourselves a universe and
- retire.
- Oh yes, should you fail to support this program and continue to
- use it, a leather winged demon of the night will tear itself,
- shrieking blood and fury, from the endless caverns of the nether
- world, hurl itself into the darkness with a thirst for blood on
- its slavering fangs and search the very threads of time for the
- throbbing of your heartbeat. Just thought you'd want to know
- that.
- Our address is:
- Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
- P.O. Box 500
- Beeton, Ontario
- L0G 1A0
- Canada
- If you have previously registered GrafCat, you can update your
- copy to revision three for $20.
- If you have a FAX number, please include it in your registration.
- We're hoping to be able to handle notification of future updates
- of GrafCat by FAX where we can. This is both considerably faster
- and a lot cheaper than mail.
- ─────────────────────
- The registration fee for GrafCat is $40.00 (CDN) plus seven
- percent GST, or $42.80. If you live in Ontario, please add eight
- percent PST to this, for a total of $45.80. We sincerely regret
- collecting this tax on behalf of several levels of government
- which will only squander it. If you sincerely regret having to
- pay it, we urge you to express your regret by voting in the next
- federal and provincial elections.
- ─────────────────────
- The registration fee for GrafCat is $40.00 (US). The exchange on
- US funds pretty well covers the extra postage to the States.
- ──────────────────
- The registration fee for GrafCat is $40.00 (US). If you pay us by
- cheque, please make sure that it's a cheque drawn on an
- international bank, and that it will be negotiable in Canada. If
- there's no bank clearance number along the bottom of the cheque,
- it will not clear. Please don't send us Eurocheques... they are
- not accepted outside Europe.
- ────────────────────────────
- We can accept payment by Visa only. We need your Visa card number
- and expiry date and the name which appears on your card. We also
- need written authorization to debit your Visa account for the
- specific amount you're sending us.
- We cannot accept MasterCard, American Express or other credit
- cards.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- It isn't.
- After considerable meditation and several bad experiences, we
- have decided not to release the source code for GrafCat. We do
- license parts of it for specific applications... if you want more
- information about using some of the functions of GrafCat in your
- software, please contact us.
- If you're interested in writing programs which use graphics,
- you'll find everything you need to know in "Bitmapped Graphics",
- by Steven William Rimmer. It's published by TAB Books, (TAB book
- 3558). It features code to pack and unpack MacPaint, IMG, PCX,
- GIF and TIFF files, as well as chapters on screen drivers,
- dithering and printing.
- There is a very rudimentary version of the source code for
- GrafCat available in the book Bitmapped Graphics.
- An additional book on this subject, "Extended Bitmapped
- Graphics", (TAB Book 4102), will be available in mid-1992. It
- discusses the GIF 89a, WordPerfect, BMP, IFF/LBM, TGA, MSP, 24-
- bit PCX and colour TIFF file formats, as well as such subjects as
- colour dithering and colour printing.
- If you'd like to write applications which use menus, icons,
- windows and all the other paraphernalia of a graphical user
- interface, you might find the book "PC Graphical User Interfaces"
- handy. It's published by TAB Books (TAB Book 3875). It includes
- the C source for a complete graphical user interface library,
- related code to manage fonts and bitmaps and a tiny paint
- program.
- If your local bookstore doesn't have these books, they can be
- mail or phone ordered from Christies of Cookstown, P.O. Box 392,
- Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0, Canada. Their phone number is (705)
- 458-1562. It has a FAX machine on it after hours. As of this
- writing, they're open seven days a week.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- If you'd like to include GrafCat with your product, please get in
- touch with us. We have several ways to help you do this so your
- users get the most out of GrafCat and we don't have to set our
- leather winged demon of the night on 'em.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- We receive numerous requests for copies of GrafCat from shareware
- distributors and we don't have the facilities to send out disks
- in response to all of them.
- If you're a fairly large shareware distributor, we can provide
- you with a quad density, 5 1/4 inch floppy disk having most of
- our popular shareware applications on it. This will include the
- current versions of such packages as Graphic Workshop, GrafCat,
- Desktop Paint, Desktop Paint 256 and several others. We will also
- include a copy of our current newsletter, which will outline the
- functions of these packages.
- Note that this is the only format in which we are able to provide
- this disk.
- If you'd like to request a copy of this disk, please send us a
- copy of your current catalog. Your catalog must satisfy the
- following requirements:
- - It must be commercially printed. We are unable to accept
- catalogs on disk, catalogs which have been duplicated with a
- photocopier or mimeograph machine or catalogs which have been
- created using a dot matrix printer.
- - It must be comprised of descriptive listings for the shareware
- it offers. Such a listing should be at least four or five lines
- describing the software in question. We don't feel that a
- single line of six point type which says something like
- ``Graphc Wrkshop 6.0 (Img fle cnvrtr)...........$2.00''
- really does anything meaningful toward distributing our
- shareware.
- - It must explain in a clear and prominent way that the software
- being offered in the catalog is user supported software, that
- paying your company for it does not constitute registering it
- and that users who buy your disks and use the programs on them
- are expected to register their software if they continue to use
- it.
- If you don't have a catalog which meets the above description,
- you can obtain a copy of our shareware disk for $10.00 (US).
- Alternately, you can download the current versions of our
- shareware applications from CompuServe in the GRAPHSUPPORT forum
- or from our bulletin board at (416) 729-4609. You can also order
- them from one of the larger distributors we use, such as Public
- Brand Software, 3750 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46241.
- They always have the current versions of our programs.
- If you obtain current copies of our shareware, you have our
- permission to distribute it under the following terms.
- - That nothing be added to, deleted from or changed in the
- archive files which contain our packages. This includes adding
- ZIP file comments to them.
- - That our shareware is not included in or bundled with other
- hardware or software without our written permission.
- - That no printed documentation regarding our shareware is
- included with the package without our written permission.
- - That hard copy explaining that our packages are shareware is
- included with the disks.
- You do have our permission to copy the ZIP files from our quad
- density disk to multiple lower density disks for distribution.
- Please note that we will send you one disk. We'll send you
- updates of our software if you're able to provide us with an
- account of how many copies of our packages you have distributed.
- We regret that we've imposed this additional paperwork on you. We
- realize that most of the shareware distributors who contact us
- have good intentions and that many will actually distribute our
- disks and get us registered users. We hope you will appreciate
- that supplying our disks to everyone who asked for them in the
- past has frequently meant that things like updates to our users,
- software support, software enhancement and other things which
- represent the paying part of our involvement with shareware have
- been delayed. This isn't a situation we feel can continue.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- The following are the other shareware packages we have available
- as of this writing. Our newsletter, available for the asking,
- will list all the current ones.
- ───────────────────────
- This is the last word in image programs. It converts, prints,
- views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour
- adjusts, scans, quantizes and wreaks special effects on MacPaint,
- CUT, Targa and EPS files. It drives CGA, Hercules, EGA, VGA and
- pretty well all super VGA cards. It will drive PostScript and
- LaserJet Plus laser printers, colour PostScript printers, colour
- inkjets and most dot matrix printers. It features batch
- processing, extended and expanded memory support, an intuitive
- user interface and easy to follow menus. It allows you to convert
- colour image files into superb black and white clip art for
- desktop publishing, among other things.
- ────────────────────────
- Desktop Paint 256 is a powerful super-VGA paint program. Desktop
- Paint 256 will let you create and edit pictures stored as PCX,
- GIF, TIFF and IFF/LBM files. It features a rich selection of
- drawing and image manipulation tools, XMS and EMS support to work
- on large images and a user friendly interface. Looking very much
- like monochrome Desktop Paint in colour, it's a powerful
- application which will be equally useful for picture collectors,
- artists and desktop publishing users... it makes a quick and easy
- to use editor for grey scale TIFF files, too. It supports
- Paradise (and compatibles), Headland Video 7, Tseng Labs 4000
- series cards, Trident cards which use 8900 series chips and ATI
- VGA Wonder cards. Note that you must have one of these super-VGA
- cards to use Desktop Paint 256... it does not run in the standard
- 320 by 200 pixel "standard" VGA mode. Desktop Paint 256 requires
- a Microsoft-compatible mouse.
- ─────────────────────
- Desktop Paint is a powerful monochrome paint package fine tuned
- for use with desktop publishing applications. It will read and
- write MacPaint, Ventura IMG, PCX, WordPerfect WPG and TIFF image
- files. It has EMS and XMS support to handle images of virtually
- any size, an intuitive user interface and a wide selection of
- image creation and manipulation tools. Desktop Paint can utilize
- fonts from many other sources, including Ventura Publisher,
- Macintosh FONT and NFNT resources and Windows FNT files. Desktop
- Paint 256 requires a Microsoft-compatible mouse.
- ─────────────
- Cinema display a continuous "slide show" of image files. You can
- set up the images to be displayed using a simple script language.
- Cinema works with most super VGA cards, using the same drivers as
- Graphic Workshop, and with CGA, EGA and Hercules cards. It works
- with any mixture of GIF, PCX, MacPaint, TIFF, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM,
- EPS and IMG files.
- ──────────────
- GifInfo creates catalog files from your GIF collection, allowing
- you to store fifty or more miniature full colour representations
- of GIF files on a single quad floppy.
- ──────────────────
- Storyteller is a hypertext program with a mouse driven graphical
- user interface which will allow you to create reports, manuals
- and interactive fiction, among other things, which has a tree
- structure. Each page of a Storyteller document can lead to
- related sub-pages, which can in turn have their own sub-sub
- pages, and so on. It looks slick and is exceedingly user
- friendly. Storyteller requires a Microsoft-compatible mouse.
- If you can't obtain them from the usual sources of shareware,
- they're available from us for $40.00 each preregisterd. They're
- also all available for downloading from our bulletin board at
- (416) 729-4609.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- The author assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss
- caused by the use of these programs, however it comes down. If
- you can think of a way a picture program can cause you damage
- or loss you've a sneakier mind than mine.
- All the registered trademarks used herein are registered to
- whoever it is that owns them. This notification is given in lieu
- of any specific list of trademarks and their owners, which would
- not be as inclusive and would probably take a lot longer to type.
- GrafCat is a trademark of Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
- That's it...